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Quilts by Sharon​

Custom designed quilts and panels

The Quilt Codes

Sharon Tindall is an advocate and educator of African American history, expressed through quilt code. In "From cotton to Quilts." The underground railroad quilt code, is it fact or fiction? The proof? Sharon takes participants through a journey of African ancestry to African American culture, by incorporating the history of cotton, spinning cotton into thread, weaving the thread into cloth, thus creating a narrative about the revelation of quilt codes.

Cotton ball.png

"U.G.R.R Mini's"

By Sharon Tindall

Underground Railroad

When conducting research on the existence of the Underground Railroad Quilt Codes, Ms Tindall was awarded a grant to investigate the use of quilt codes of the Underground Railroad and their organs. She traveled to West African (Liberia) studying patterns, and coded messages in fabric, and cotton's history. Her presentation "From Cotton to Quilts" discusses and translates the hidden coded messages within the quilts, that the slaves could glean wheather or not they were ataste away from freedom, or the dangers that lurked within the shadows.


"Music is my prayer"

By Sharon Tindall


"Follow the drinking gourd"

By Sharon Tindall

"Mud cloth pillows"

By Sharon Tindall


"Jazz at Sunset"

By Sharon Tindall


Quilts by Sharon is your premier source for long arm quilting, quilt making, and quilt teaching. Using only the highest quality materials and craftsmanship, Sharon will ensure that your quilt is a timeless addition to your home.


"Picking Cotton"

By sharon Tindall


"thai white elepahnt"

By sharon Tindall


About Quilts by Sharon

Our Story

With over 30 years of sewing/quilting experience, Ms. Tindall received her professional textile training from Montclair State Univer​sity in New Jersey. She is a sewing instructor for G Street Fabrics, which is one of the largest and oldest fabric stores in Maryland. She is also a quilt code and sewing instructor for Northern Virginia Community College and Morgan State University in Baltimore, Maryland.

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